Posted on 17th March, 2020
In the light of the government's clear advice, and despite the impact of this on both our business and staff, we have taken the difficult decision to close for the time being.
The government is advising everyone - regardless of age or health - to stop all non-essential contact with others and stop all unnecessary travel. We feel strongly it is our responsibility to close, for the health of our staff and our customers and for the sake of the NHS.
We're so sorry to have to announce this, but hope you will understand. Anyone who has a booking with us should contact us by email to [email protected] and we will be happy to help.
As soon as we're able we will be open and operating again...with some exciting new additions which we will share more about over the coming weeks, to give you something to look forward to!
The Stanbury family and all of our team would like to thank you for your understanding at what is a very difficult time for all of us.
Stay safe and be kind x